Traitors in the Gestapo, Dorrance Publishing

Overrun, Firebase 14

Vietnam map Illustrator

Vietnamese Village, Pen and Ink

Triage Area, Pen and Ink

Curiosity Killed the Cat, Flair for Publishing

The Last Point, Amazon CreateSpace

Deep Secrets, Amazon CreateSpace

The Shadow, Deep Secrets

Sea Monster, Deep Secrets

Seaweed Factory, Deep Secrets

The Rescue, Deep Secrets

Bella Saves the Farm, Amazon CreateSpace

Bella Saves the Farm

Sample piece for Amazon

Sample piece for Amazon

Sample for Amazon CreateSpace

cover for updated classics, aPass

cover for updated classics, aPass

Pumpkin patch

Halloween moving day

Halloween treats, samples for Amazon CreateSpace
A few other titles:
Amazon CreateSpace: Saturday Night Dead, by FH Belfus-Bennett; Knights of the Millennium by Alan A. Arel; Diplomarine by Timothy C. Brown PhD; The Creator Within by Linda R. Partridge, Phd.; Zander's Friendship Journey by Dorothy E. Hardin; Warrior Bride by Johanna Maas; Alexandra's Legacy by K.R. McDane; Perdition by Karl Danes; Twas the Real Night Before Christmas. A Flair for Publishing: Bringing Up the Children and Surviving by Barbara Starr Barrows; Five Simple Steps to Choosing Your Path by W. Granville Brown, Spratt & Co.: Operation Mockingbird by Linda Baletsa.